SmartWater in Cound
Cound Parish Council has signed up to the Police & Crime Commissioners' SmartWater initiative.
SmartWater is a traceable liquid and forensic asset marking system that can be applied to valuable items to identify their owners and deter theft. The liquid leaves a long lasting unique identifier whose presence is invisible except under an ultraviolet black light.
It is a very simple process to mark your property as the liquid comes with a small applicator and one drop is all that is needed. It is recommended that the marks are put on hallmarks of jewellery and in cracks or niches where it will be harder to remove and detect to the naked eye.
SmartWater does not guarantee that if you lose your property it will be found, however any property that is marked is easily identified by a simple process and can then eventually be returned to you.
With this initiative the Parish Council has bought sufficient household packs of SmartWater to enable every household within the parish to have one with which to mark all their valuable property. This is FREE to all households - the Parish Council will stand the cost of these packs.
Once the parish has 70% of the packs distributed and registered with the Police Authority, we will be eligible for free signage to be put up at all the entrances to the villages telling all that we are a SmartWater Parish .This has proven to be a very effective deterrent for criminals who do not want to have any property marked with SmartWater in their possession as the conviction rate is extremely high if they are caught.
Update 26 Jan 2020
We have achieved the 70% saturation point for registration with the Police Authority which entitles us to the free signage! This will be put in place around the parish as soon as possible.